Великолепие природного совершенства

Prices for tiles and stone products


Where to buy a "dagestanskij kamen"?


Our company is engaged in the extraction of natural stone and the manufacture of tiles and decorative elements from sandstone, shell rock, limestone and dolomite (Dagestan granite). We bring to your attention the prices for the main types of facing stone. In this price list you will find sandstone tiles, shell stone; cornices, skirting boards, pilasters, railings, balusters, columns and other architectural elements made of natural stone.

Manufacture and sale of Dagestan stone

Dagestan shell stone


Dagestan stone in Krasnodar, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, St. Petersburg from the manufacturer.

Sandstone tiles


Facing stone sandstone from the Akushi (region of Dagestan). Delivery from the quarry in the shortest possible time. Facing tiles for the facade and plinth.

Installation of stone tiles


Installation of tiles made of Dagestan stone is carried out according to the design project by experienced craftsmen.

Finishing the basement of the building


Dagestan stone for finishing the basement - Mekegin dolmite - the best choice for a country house...

Купить дагестанский камень
Облицовка дагестанским камнем
Отделка цоколя дагестанским камнем доломит

Photos of Dagestan stone

Examples of houses made of shell rock and sandstone

More than 30 types of stone

18 years experience

Design project

Quality assurance

Top reasons why choose us!

Delivery of facade stone and tiles

Dagestan stone


We produce a large assortment of tiles and decorative elements made of stone. Delivery of products to other cities and countries is carried out with the help of Russian and foreign transport companies. Usually the client chooses the transport company himself. In other cases, our managers send a request for delivery.

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Dagestan stone

Natural stone for decoration and construction of houses and any buildings in classical and modern design styles. Eco-friendly building materials with delivery by transport companies.

Дагестанский камень-песчаник в Москве и Спб
Yellow Dagestan stone
Stone from Dagestan
Dagestan stone
Catalog of Dagestan stone
Decor Dagestan stone
Brown Dagestan stone
Dagestan stone dolomit
Grey Dagestan stone
Shell stone for facade decoration
Stone for building houses
Russian stone
Texture of natural stone

Catalog of Dagestan stone

Types of stone


Price m2/m.h

Sandstone tiles

160x350x15 mm

From 850 rubles

Facing tiles, shell rock

160x350x15 mm

From 950 rubles

Plinth made of stone

From 40 mm

From 550 rubles

Cornices made of stone

From 60 mm

From 650 rubles

Stone for the base

160x350x20-40 mm

From 1200 rubles

Window frames made of stone

From 50 mm

From 600 rubles

Interstory cornice

In assortment

From 700 rubles

Balusters for stairs made of stone

In assortment

From 1400 rubles

Handrails for stairs


From 1800 rubles

Rustic elements made of stone

From 160 mm

From 1200 rubles

Columns (round and square)

From 160 to 460 mm

From 1800 rubles

The cost per square meter or running meter depends on the type of stone, thickness or diameter of the product. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that we use exclusively diamond milling cutters, thanks to which our products have an ideal geometric shape. Note that almost all competitors will use cheap pobedit cutters and save on quality. We guarantee you the ideal quality of tiles and stone decor.